Friday, March 25, 2016

由BOSTES认可的教师学习课程(Accredited course) - Effective resources (中文)

有兴趣参加这个课程的中文教师,请直接跟Sydney HSK Centre 的Shinki Wang联系。

Course title:    Effective resources Differentiated teaching and learning materials for Chinese  Language classes
Targeting teachers
Friday, 01/04/2016
Teachers of K-10 Chinese (Stages 1-5)

Professional learning objectives
This course is to help teachers select, create and use effective and differentiated learning materials to engage students in their learning. To achieve this, teachers not only need to have a comprehensive knowledge of the content but also understand the individual needs of each student. In an Internet era, a wide range of online teaching and learning resources are available and are always free to use. Engaging and differentiated resources and activities are key factors for successful language teaching and learning.

Summary of the course
This course will focus on connecting outcomes with learning materials. It will also assess some teaching and learning resources that will help teachers teach specific courses. Facilitated by Wei Leu, who has extensive knowledge of the syllabus as well as experience of teaching, marking and setting HSC papers.

Course Outline
This course will start with a discussion of teaching Chinese in the 21st  Century
education context. Then an explicit interpretation of the syllabus will be presented, especially the prescribed objectives and outcomes. Participants will be divided into groups to exchange and share ideas regarding teaching and learning resources. They will also work with other participants to identify the connection between culture and language so that they can choose/develop effective resources for developing students’ intercultural  understanding. During this course, some effective and hands-on teaching and learning materials will also be demonstrated and discussed. A Q&A session will provide an opportunity for participants to clarify any issues they may have relating to the effective resources.

Professional Standards for Teachers
2.1.2 Apply knowledge of the content and teaching strategies of the teaching area to develop engaging teaching activities
3.4.2 Select and/or create and use a range of resources, including ICT, to engage students in their learning
7.4.2 Participate in professional and community networks and forums to broaden knowledge and improve practice

Sport  Lounge,  CLUB  BURWOOD  RSL,  96  Shaftesbury  Road,  Burwood  2134 (ample parking available at the club)
$220 per person (CLTANSW members), $270 per person (non-members)

Account name: Australian Institute of Business Intelligence Pty Ltd; BSB: 062 000;
Account No.: 14919516

Tel: (+612)94351523, Mob: 0450778170 (Shinki Wang)

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