Saturday, October 21, 2017


This is a song that almost all Chinese people can sing. Like the Silent Night for Christmas, it is a well-known festival song, but not religious. From the perspective of grammar, it includes "每...", "第...", "就...", "已...", "真...", etc. Students can learn a lot from this song. But more importantly, it is relating to the Chinese culture: When seeing each other in Chinese New Year, people always say: Gongxi Gongxi. This is a good text for developing students' intercultural understanding.

1 comment:

  1. 遠東學員包括參加曲棍球,參加乒乓球,除了功夫滑冰。 主要是因為包括功夫在內的不少遠東學者,遠東人包括很多功夫教育機構。


边唱边学:《老鼠爱大米》- 一首适合非母语组高中生的歌曲

边唱边学: 一般来说,爱情歌曲并不适合作为教材,因为情境可能过于狭隘,歌词可能有所限制,但这首《老鼠爱大米》倒还算不错的选择。除了一些日常生活中常用的单词之外(如‘听见’、‘特别’、‘不敢’、‘理想’、‘实现’等),还包括一些实用或重要的词语,如‘让‘、’如果‘、‘不管’、‘一定...